At St. Gabriel School, we strive for the social and acedemic success of all our students. Our goal is to provide them with a safe and healthy learning environment in which they can develop into responsible and respectful citizens.
Consequently our behaviour policy is based on the principles of consistency and fairness and on empowering students to make positive choices as well as respecting the consequences of inapropriate actions.
It is essential that all children attend school except when they are ill.
If students are absent, parents should inform the school office (514 934-2111) by 8:30 a.m.
If students are late for school, they must report to the office. If students are excessively absent or late, the school will contact the parents so that corrective measures can be taken.
In addition, if a Pre-Kindergarten or Kindergarten child arrives late, parents should accompany their child(ren) to the front office doors as opposed to the school yard entrance. The secretary or another staff member will escort the younger children to class.
During class time, students cannot leave the school without permission. To leave the school, the student must have a note from his/her parent and the secretary must be notified. The student must stop by the office with the note and sign out with the secretary, before leaving. Parent must inform the office if student will not be attending daycare or not taking the bus or if someone else is picking them up.
Only children who meet the distance criteria are entitled to bussing. Accommodation passes (for set stops only) may be issued if there is space available on the bus, with the younger children getting priority. Accommodation bussing will be reviewed monthly. Fees must be kept up to date to continue receiving this privilege.
While on the bus, students must obey the rules established for the safety of everyone. Students who do not follow the basic rules of safety and behaviour may lose bus privileges after proper notification to parents.
In brief, students must remain seated while the bus is travelling and must always respect the bus driver.
Children must be at the bus stop at least ten (10) minutes before the bus arrives. Students in Pre-Kindergarten, Kindergarten and Cycle I must always be accompanied by an adult.
Homework is an integral part of the educational process. Homework can include written work, reading, studying notes, playing instruments, etc. The amount of homework given by each teacher will vary. The amount of homework assigned will also vary depending on the grade level. Pupils should be spending on average the following amount of time daily on their homework:
Parents are expected to play a supervisory and supportive role. As such they should be familiar with the homework policy of the school.
Parents will be notified when any homework or assignment is not completed.
Presence is obligatory, to allow teachers to properly evaluate students. Absence without just cause may lead to a low evaluation. If the student is absent for an evaluation or assessment, he/she will have to make up for any missed school assignments upon his/her return.
At St. Gabriel School, we strive for the social and academic success of all our students. Our goal is to provide them with a safe and healthy learning environment in which they can develop into responsible and respectful citizens. Consequently, our behaviour policy is based on the principles of consistency, fairness and on empowering students to make positive choices, as well as accepting the consequences of inappropriate actions.
Teachers are the first line of intervention. They will assess what strategies or consequences will be used for inappropriate behaviours. Consequences may include warnings, time outs, exclusion from extra-curricular activities and detentions during morning or lunch recesses. The teacher may consult with the childcare worker to set up an appropriate intervention and develop a plan of action for the student(s) involved.
There is very little tolerance for verbal and/or physical aggression at school. Any act of physical and/or verbal aggression from students towards their peers, administration, faculty, and other school staff will result in a suspension.
The decision as to whether it will be an in-school suspension or an at home suspension is at the discretion of the principal and/or behavior technician. This will also depend upon the severity of the infraction. Parents may be asked to meet with the principal prior to readmission.
Eating and drinking is not permitted in corridors or in the classroom, except during snack time and during special events authorized by teaching or administrative staff.
Please check with your child’s teacher before sending any type of food for birthdays and or special occasions.
Homemade and nutritional goodies are a must, in accordance to EMSB Nutritional Policy.
The Lunchroom does not offer microwave services. This is due to a limited lunchtime period; whereby long microwave lines are not feasible.
Cell phones and other communication devices are not allowed in school and school grounds.
Electronic games and all other electronic entertainment devices are not allowed in school.
In addition, toys and trading cards are not allowed in school. They must be left at home.
If the student persists in bringing these items to school, they will be confiscated.
School is not responsible for items that get lost or stolen.
When students participate in a field trip, they represent the school. We count on students to be exceptionally polite and courteous with their language and behavior. The same code of conduct applies as in the school. Crested T-shirts must be worn on all school field trips.
The use of skateboards, inline skates, scooters or bicycles are not allowed in school, including the school yards.
Students are responsible for their lockers, inside and outside. Only school related material and outdoor clothing should be kept in the locker. Valuables should not be stored in the locker. The school is not responsible for any personal items taken from the locker or from anywhere else in the school.
St. Gabriel School Dress Code is as follows:
As per a resolution passed at Governing Board, a mandatory dress code is in effect for Kindergarten to Cycle III students in 2021-2022. (Dress code is optional for Pre-Kindergarten (K4) students).
The school uniform is a royal blue T-shirt with the St. Gabriel Logo which can be purchased only through the school. Please pass by the office with payment to purchase the T-shirt(s).
The crested T-shirts must be worn on all outings and school events.
In addition, students must wear solid navy or black pants or skirts (with no logos or designs) which parents can purchase independently. Dark blue (not faded) jeans are acceptable. During the warm months, navy blue or black shorts are permitted.
A clean T-shirt and shorts or jogging pants or sweatpants with running shoes should be worn for physical education. Comfortable and appropriate attire should be worn during physical education.
Cycle II and III students should have a change of T-shirt for every physical education class so that proper hygiene is maintained. Hair below shoulder level must be tied back during Physical Education to ensure proper safety.
Parents must assume their responsibility in this process. They must play a pivotal role in ensuring that their children are dressed in conformity with the school dress code. Parents will be contacted by staff if a child does not abide by the dress code.
We can best serve the children by supporting one another and working together on any misunderstanding might arise. Parents are encouraged to call for an appointment to talk things over. We can surely come to some understanding which will safeguard the child's respect for all.
The moral obligation for the training of children rests first and foremost with the parents. The rules of conduct promoted in the school are meaningless without the parent's participation. For students to accept them, it is essential that these rules be consistent with those enforced at home. Parents will be kept regularly informed of these rules in order to ensure such consistency.
It is also extremely important that a child be thoroughly convinced that his parents stand behind the school and that they will demand an accounting of what the child does in school. Without such an understanding a child can come to think that home and school are unrelated areas of authority and he/she soon learns to play one against the other.
The responsibility of the school is to give extension and broadening to parental training. School staff are dedicated to finding the best means of guidance and teaching your children and in this way helping you, the parents.
Teachers and educators have a particular role to play in the supervision of student conduct. It is imperative that the child realizes that the supervision of student conduct is part and parcel of their daily workload.
Teachers and educators are the first line of intervention. They will assess what strategies or consequences that will be used for inappropriate behaviours. Each and every teacher and educator will exercise a certain amount of understanding, good judgement, impartiality, an absence of discrimination and a good example.
If a parent or guardian is unhappy with the school's effort to solve a discipline or bullying issue, there are avenues in which the parent or guardian may file an official complaint with the School Board.